
Welcome to My Future Page!

I love thinking about how to solve societal problems in the future. In this section, I share my views on the future of industries and share my passion for reshaping education with Future University.

My Education Play

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Future University

I started Future University because I think older children and young adults could better learn about future trends and how technology is affecting the world at an increasingly rapid rate. I have found that these concepts are not often taught within the public school system. Future University is an educational curriculum designed to teach young adults how to think about the opportunities of the future.

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Write-Ups of the Future

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Driverless Cars

Driverless Cars are set to really shake up multiple industries and fundamentally change our way of life. In these write-ups, I detail how driverless cars will change the world.

View Driverless Car Write-Ups

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Virtual Reality

With the Acquisition of Occulus Rift by Facebook in 2014, many companies have jumped into the virtual reality race. It looks like virtual reality will finally become a mainstream reality within the next decade or so.

View Virtual Reality Write-Ups

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Automation technologies threaten a lot of the jobs that we have enjoyed for decades, even centuries. These write-ups explore how jobs will evolve.

View Jobs Write-Ups